Thursday, January 29, 2015

CAV 2.M UCOR Specialties

One major component of the CAV universe is the UCORs (United Corporate Organized Republics): massive semi-autonomous corporations chartered by one of the six major galactic governments. Prior to the UCOR War and the subsequent Second Galaxy War, the majority of UCORs operated fully independently of their parent government, selling equipment to all buyers and exercising political autonomy. This autonomy most notably included military operations, often by proxy through mercenary units, to control valuable star systems and conduct raids on their competition. Such behavior inevitably lead to an escalation of conflict, and with the Galaxy War reignited many UCORs have found themselves under far stricter scrutiny.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Pathfinder Item: Cuirass of Distortion

The voters and judges have spoken and the 32 contestants of RPG Superstar 2015 have been announced. Unfortunately, while my item made it past the mid-voting cull that eliminated nearly half of the less popular entries, it wasn't strong enough to make it all the way. This result is about what I expected; given the competition I was up against and the short turnaround which fell at a poor time for me, I felt my item was solid but lacked the "mojo" of a top 32 entry. That said, it was good practice and there's always next year. You can see my entry, the cuirass of distortion, below the cut, plus a few comments on feedback I've received.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

CAV 2.M New Models

With the success of the CAV Kickstarter, a variety of new models will be added to the CAV line in the coming year. The CAV line also now includes the models from Rogue Legion, Talon Games' abortive mecha game. While not all of these new models fit the established aesthetic of CAV, some are an excellent fit and I have elected to introduce them into CAV 2.M. I remain open to adding more, particularly any that even out the faction-unique model lists; the ones discussed here are simply those I was most comfortable with matching to the existing factions.

Below, I present a picture of each model (metal version for those already in production, digital model for planned additions) with a brief in-game description. These may differ significantly from those provided for the CAV:SO versions due to the divergent timelines and differences in the rulesets.